

Basic bread dough

1.5 lbs ground beef or lamb
2 diced onions
3 Tbsp. tomato paste
S & P
1 Tbsp. allspice
Oil for the pan
1/2 c. pine nuts

I also added:
1 Tbsp. marjoram
2 tsp. pomegranate molasses

Preheat the oven to 450 and grease a round pan (I used a cast iron frying pan).
Cook the meat, onions, and seasonings in a little oil until well browned. Stir in the tomato paste, and any other seasonings you desire--feel free to be creative.

Form the dough into 3-4" rounds and place them in the pan. Let them rest for 15 minutes.
Press a spoonful of meat filling into each round. Sprinkle each round with pine nuts.

Bake for 15 minutes until the dough in the center is cooked. Run under the broiler for 1-2 minutes to brown the tops, but take care not to burn.

Serve as a snack or as a meal with greens on the side. Meat pies are especially good with yogurt sauce. In the summertime they heat up the kitchen for a little while, but are so nice to have as snacky leftovers when you're too hot to think about food.
added by Marwa El Odessi

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